BIOptimizers Lab Pioneers Next-Gen Enzyme and Probiotics Performance with Breakthrough Digestive Supplement Formulations

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    Advisor Brief

    Theglobal supplement market, which generated $78.1 billion in sales in 2021 is projected to reach a whopping $128 billion by 2028.

    And now with tens of thousands of supplements readily available to address a wide spectrum of health issues, consumers are often left wondering about the supplement company behind the label. Can they ultimately be trusted for their claims of purity, potency, and most importantly, performance?

    BIOptimizers, a next-gen brain performance andhealth supplement company, is on a mission to earn consumers' ongoing trust and loyalty. And they’re willing to invest significantly in research and development to do just that.

    The company recently announced a breakthrough in product formulations for supplements in the health and wellness industry. The company's lab, which was launched in 2019 with six employees, has tripled its staff to date.

    BIOptimizers continues to break new ground in the supplement industry by creating stacks and combinations of molecules that have never been done before.The BIOptimizers labhas created 250 enzyme and 250 probiotic experiments and has validated or invalidated the properties of every commercially available product, seeing all their unique attributes.

    Monia Avdic, a Ph.D. and director of the BIOptimizers lab based at the University of Sarajevo in Bosnia, emphasized the importance of their ongoing and expanding research:

    For media inquiries and an expert quote on innovations with supplement formulations, contact Matt Gallant atPR@bioptimizers.comor call 800-719-2467.To learn more about how BIOptimizes can transform brain performance, gut health, and sleep, go to:


    BIOptimizers serves over 162,000 clients in 90 countries worldwide. The catalyst for BIOptimizers' success is a relentless focus on supplement performance, purity, and potency. The guiding BIOptimizers North Star: create exponentially superior products and prove their effectiveness via consistent customer results.

    The company was founded by Matt Gallant and Wade Lightheart, who are trainers who previously worked with pro athletes and other top performers. Investing 10+ years in the gym transforming the health and lives of their clients, the two founded a business partnership in 2004 that has since grown to over 100 employees globally.

    Biohackers, physicians, and top authorities in health and wellness worldwide trust BIOptimizers and their extensive line of health products. To find out why visit:

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    The reference URL for this press release is located hereBIOptimizers Lab Pioneers Next-Gen Enzyme and Probiotics Performance with Breakthrough Digestive Supplement Formulations.